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FRIDAY, October 23, 2020 to Saturday, October 31, 2020
 Mindowaskin Park
East Broad Street

The Painted Pumpkin Path in Mystical Mindowaskin will showcase local talent as Westfield celebrates native son Charles Addams' connection to the arts community and the Town’s 300th anniversary.


The theme for entries is "Westfield State of Mind," which invites local artists to share their vision of Westfield’s history on everyone’s favorite Halloween decoration. Whether it’s representative of the Town’s colonial origins, a more recent moment in time, or even a depiction of life in 2020, the purpose is for artists to convey what they see in their community. 30 painted pumpkins, one for each decade of Westfield’s history, will be chosen from all submissions by the Westfield Public Arts Commission and displayed as an art installation in Mindowaskin Park from October 23-31. To enter, artists should submit a sketch of their vision (the final product will be paint only, no carving) by October 9.


View the Painted Pumpkin Path contest flyer

Submit your sketch

Submissions are now closed. 

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